Wed, Oct 9th - SCHOOL IS CLOSED - SHANA TOVA to all observing Yom Kippur

The PS20 PTA thinks of all families observing Yom Kippur - wishing you a meaningful fast and a G'mar chatimah tovah.

Yom Kippur 2019.jpg

G'mar chatimah tovah

Starting at Sundown on Tuesday, Jewish people around the world will begin to observe Yom Kippur - the holiest day of the year in their religion. “For 25 hours — until sundown on Wednesday, Oct. 9 — they will refrain from any food and drink, including water. They will spend the majority of the day in synagogue, praying to God and repenting for their sins.”

“Gmar hatimah tovah,” or “Gmar tov,” which roughly translates to “a good seal.” Those observing the holiday believe that the book of life, which determines an individual’s fate for the coming year, opens on Rosh Hashanah, and is sealed at the end of Yom Kippur following the period of repentance.


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Friday, OCT 4th @ 6pm - PS20 PTA Movie Night ! Can't miss it ! Showing PS20 Climate March & ZARAFA

Warm up for the best school movie night in Brooklyn!

Students, teachers and theirs families are invited to join us @ the PS20 Auditorium for FREE popcorn and the screening of Zarafa a beautiful French/ Belgian animation feature presented in french with english subtitles (78 min, 2012).

Arrive early - DON’T MISS two awesome opening screenings - The “PS20 Climate March” shot by our PS20 dad Brian Tubbs, featuring our teachers and students voices & a short movie about Greta Thunberg contextualizing the School strike for the climate with the Climate March movement around the world.

Can’t get any better than that - See you there !

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Following DOE directions, PS20 helped students and their families to participate on the CLIMATE MARCH to voice their concerns about the climate crisis and demand solutions. To view pictures and share new ones follow PS20 on Instagram, facebook and twitter.

The global student movement inspired by Greta Thunberg wants to ensure the new generations will not be overburden by the consequences of misused natural resources and the pollution at all levels.

Together students started organizing a school climate strike movement, under the name Fridays for Future. After Thunberg addressed the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference, student strikes took place every week somewhere in the world.

THANK YOU ALL WHO JOINED other PTA families on Friday, Sep 20th, 2019 at pick up time to head to downtown Manhattan and voice our collective demands! PS20 students protested on Clermont Ave exit with signs and songs to show support to Greta Thunberg and the worldwide student movement demanding CLIMATE SOLUTION. Please keep sharing you pictures with us - FOLLOW PS20 on Instagram, facebook and twitter.

To learn more about the worldwide youth demands, visit STRIKEWITHUS.ORG

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