In a new community-oriented fundraising initiative called, Dine & Donate, local restaurants, bars, and shops have jumped on board to help raise funds for our school's unique Green Arts program. GO COMMUNITY!
Whether you are a frequent diner or someone that only eats out on special occasions, please visit some of our community partners this holiday season to show them some love for supporting our school!
Our friendly restaurants Donnabklyn, Olea, MekongBK, Colonia Verde, Baba Cool Café, Café Paulette, Vino Bueno Liqueur will either have a collection jar available for donations or will ask diners to donate $1 per bill...some venues have even graciously offered to donate a percentage per customer check.
The campaign runs from Dec 5th-Jan 5th Serving ALL of our 500 PS20 children, Green Arts is the only art and gardening programming in our school.
GREEN ARTS PROGRAM needs seeds, shovels, painting easels, drawing boards, paints, brushes, and other essential supplies.
For more information please contact Alissa Selling or Georgea Michelizza - our parent volunteers organizing this 'delicious' fundraising idea, email
Please tell your friends and family!