Brotherhood Celebration - Thu Feb 16

The Brotherhood Dinner at PS20 was started almost 20 years ago during Black History Month to promote family, unity, community, and to celebrate the African diaspora. By sitting down together at the table for a shared meal, the Brotherhood Dinner honors the diversity of our community and helps us to understand each other better as we work on achieving the same goals for all of our children.

This year, classes will be sharing their tributes to Black History and Brotherhood through performances, class presentations, poems and visual art. Parents are invited to join classroom presentations, performances in the Auditorium as well as share food and company in the Cafeteria.

Parents are encouraged to bring food contributions and sign-up for volunteer opportunities - more details will be posted on Konstella!

Trudy Chan
February PTA General Meeting - Thu Feb 9

Our next PTA General Membership Meeting is Thursday, February 9, 2023 from 6-8PM (changed from Thursday, February 16, 2023).  This month our PTA meeting will be fully virtual.  We will look to go back to the hybrid format in the coming months. PTA meetings are an opportunity to learn about what is going on at PS 20, ask Ms. Barbera and/or the PTA Board any questions you have and learn how to get involved.

If you have any questions or items you want to make sure are covered on the agenda, please feel free to email We hope you will join us!

Trudy Chan
Family Pizza Party at Lilly's - Sat Jan 21

There are a few tickets still available for the PS20 Family Pizza Party at Lilly's Pizza Bar!

Saturday, January 21, 2023 from 12-3 PM
@ Lilly's Pizza Bar - 737 Fulton Street
TICKETS: $40 per family (per 4 people). All proceeds benefit the PS20 community! Add-on donations are welcome!
INCLUDES: 2 drinks (beer/wine/select cocktails) + 12" margherita pizza! Additional drinks and food available to purchase

Trudy Chan
PTA General Meeting - Jan 19

Please join us online or in-person for our next PTA general meeting this Thursday, January 19 at 6:00pm

Pizza and childcare available for in-person attendees - sign up on Konstella!

Questions or comments? Message us here or email us

Trudy Chan
PS20 Winter Concerts - Dec 21 + 22

You’re cordially invited to join P.S. 20 teachers, students, and staff for a very special series of Winter Concerts in the P.S. 20 Auditorium on December 21 & 22.  Kindly RSVP at [RSVP is now closed]

Reminder: DOE requires that all adults entering the school building must show ID and proof of at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccination, so please be prepared to show both to attend the concert (and come early to help with lines at check-in!). Additionally, masks are recommended as we work to keep our P.S. 20 family healthy during this holiday season.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022 - Clermont Ave doors open at 8:30am for check-in, Performance begins at 9am

  • 3K

  • 5th Grade

  • 2nd Grade

  • Kindergarten

Thursday, December 22, 2022 - Clermont Ave doors open at 8:30am for check-in, Performance begins at 9am

  • Pre-K

  • 4th Grade

  • 3rd Grade

  • 1st Grade

Trudy Chan
P20 International Families Breakfast - Tue Dec 20

We happily invite PS20 international parents to join the first event of the PS20 International Families Committee. Join us for breakfast and get to know other international families. This will be an opportunity for immigrant parents to be heard, feel welcomed and participate in the PS20 community.

The International Families Committee is a new subcommittee of the PS20 JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Committee. Our goal is to strengthen our international community bonds and support immigrant families throughout the school years. And we would like you to be part of this construction.

*There will be French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic speakers (at least)!

*If you can, bring a typical snack from your country. (But we will bring food)

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 8:30am
@ Family Room 126
Please check-in at security with ID and proof of covid-19 vaccination dose/s


    MARTES - 20 DECIEMBRE a las 08:30

    Les invitamos a los papás internacionales para el primer evento del Comité de Familias Internacionales de PS20. Venga a desayunar con nosotros y conocer otras familias internacionales. Esta es una oportunidad para darles la bienvenida a los papás y mamás inmigrantes, escucharles y participar en la comunidad de la escuela.

    El Comité de Familias Internacionales es un nuevo subcomité que hace parte del Comité JEDI (Justicia, Equidad, Diversidad y Inclusión) de PS20. Nuestro objetivo es reforzar los lazos de la comunidad internacional y ayudar a las familias inmigrantes a lo largo de los años. ¡Nos encantaría tenerlos como parte de esta construcción!

    *Vamos a tener traducción para francés, español, portugués y árabe (por lo menos).

    * Si quiere, puede traer un aperitivo de su país. (Pero vamos a traer el desayuno)

Trudy Chan