PS20 PTA presents Marathon Bake Sale - Sun Nov 5

Support our school AND all runners! The Bake Sale will be held this Sunday from 9 AM - 2 PM at the corner of Lafayette and Vanderbilt Ave. Sign up for a volunteer shift on Konstella or scan the poster QR code. We need cookies, cakes, quiche, bread, sandwiches, finger foods, and more!

To donate goods, scan the QR code OR email 

Trudy Chan
Halloween Literacy Parade + Thriller Dance - Tue Oct 31

PS20 will host its annual Literacy Parade on the morning Tuesday, October 31 where classes will dress up in based on stories and concepts from literature.

Later, please join Mr Chung and PS20 dancers for a group teaching and performance of Thriller Dance at the Myrtle Monster Mash at Myrtle Plaza!

Trudy Chan
Chat & Chew - Tue Oct 24

Please join Principal Blyden for a Chat and Chew on Tuesday, October 24th at 9 am. The Chat and Chew will be held in the parent room 126.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Trudy Chan
General PTA Meeting - Thu Oct 19

Our second PTA General (that means you!) Membership Meeting of the school year will be held this Thursday, October 19 from 6:00-8:00pm on Zoom (link below). 

PTA meetings are an opportunity to learn about what's going on at PS 20, ask the administration and the PTA Board any questions you may have, learn how to get involved in school activities, share ideas, and voice your opinions. If you have any questions you'd like answered during the meeting, please feel free to email

PTA Meeting Agenda:

  • PS 20 Updates from Ms. Blyden

  • Q&A - submit questions to

  • School Leadership Team - Updates + Elections!

  • PTA Committee - Updates + Upcoming Meetings

  • Upcoming Events  - including Octoberfest! and Volunteer Opportunities

Trudy Chan
Seeking Candidates for the School Leadership Team

Are you interested in getting more deeply involved in developing educational policies at P.S. 20, and the decision-making that ensures that the school is best aligned to achieve its academic goals? 

We are currently seeking nominations for two P.S. 20 family members (parent, grandparent, and/or guardian) to join the School Leadership Committee, working with Ms Blyden and others as a kind of advisory committee for the school. If you are interested or have any questions, please email

The School Leadership Team (SLT) consists of PS 20 family members (parents, grandparents, guardians), staff members and Admins. Members are elected for two-year positions by their peer group (i.e. parent members are elected by the parent body, during a PTA meeting), and then meet monthly to read, review, and discuss the school’s Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP).

The CEP is a set of goals individualized for our school based on data collected by the DOE, such as attendance, test scores, etc. The CEP is a living document, meaning it grows and changes throughout the year with the DOE and SLT’s input. When we look at the goals, we work collaboratively to find the best possible ways to meet the goals with our unique community in mind.

The PTA will vote on nominees and elect new SLT members at our PTA General Membership meeting on Thursday, October 19, 2023.

Trudy Chan