Barclays Center - Seats On Sale NOW!

PS 20 has partnered with the Barclays Center to help raise funds for our school!  🏀⛹🏽  

  • Sunday, 11/3 at 3:30 PM | Brooklyn Nets vs. Detroit Pistons (Kids Game!)

  • Sunday, 12/1 at 3:30 PM | Brooklyn Nets vs. Orlando Magic (Kids Game!)

  • Friday, 2/28 at 7:30 PM | Brooklyn Nets vs. Portland Trailblazers 

  • Friday, 1/17 at 7:00PM | Disney on Ice presents Frozen and Encanto

Seats on sale now:

Trudy Chan
Seeking: Classroom Parent Leads

Classroom parent leads are a vital connection between each class and the PTA and with the school front office. Leads share updates, elevate concerns, and foster a sense of community within each individual class. Please consider signing up and better with a buddy:

Each classroom should have at least (2) class parent leads and having multiple leads means responsibilities can be shared more easily.

Class Parent Tasks:

  • Act as an ambassador for your class, such as representing at meetings & functions.

  • Support the teachers

    • Check if extra class supplies are needed & help organize materials

    • Spearhead & collect teacher appreciation 

  • Head up communications for your class on Konstella, such as:

    • Calendar reminders

    • PTA events & activities  

    • Field questions or concerns

    • Sign-up sheets

  • Help connect families who might need help with various matters such as technology, homework and habits.

  • Help coordinate volunteers for field trips and other parent-led activities, such as PTA events.

Leads will be added to a group email list + given additional editing features on Konstella.

Trudy Chan
Upcoming In-Person Parent Events

So many opportunities to meet Principal Blyden, PS20 staff and fellow parents in-person this month!

  • Fri Sep 13: PTA Breakfast

  • Tue Sep 17: Chat & Chew with Principal Blyden

  • Mon Sep 23: Volunteer Workshop

  • Tue Sep 24: Tech Tuesday

  • Thu Sep 26: PS20 Town Hall

Trudy Chan
PTA Breakfast - Fri Sep 13

Learn more about the school and the PS20 PTA. Meet PTA committee members, chat with fellow parents, and ask questions about PTA events and activities!
Friday, September 13 from 8:30am-10:00am
@ Lower Picnic Tables
了解有关学校和 PS20 PTA 的更多信息。与 PTA 委员会成员见面,与其他家长聊天,并询问有关 PTA 活动的问题!
Apprenez-en davantage sur l’école et le PS 20 PTA. Rencontrez les membres du comité PTA, discutez avec d'autres parents et posez des questions sur les événements et activités de la PTA!
تعرف على معلومات حول المدرسة وجمعية الآباء والمعلمين في مدرسة ب س ٢٠ . تعرف على أعضاء جمعية الآباء والمعلمين، وتحدث مع زملائك الآباء، واطرح أسئلة حول أحداث وأنشطة جمعية الآباء والمعلمين!
Obtenga más información sobre la escuela y la Asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTA) de la escuela PS20. Conozca a los miembros del comité de la PTA, charle con otros padres y haga preguntas sobre los eventos y las actividades de la PTA.

Trudy Chan
UPDATE: School Supplies + Bright School Kits

The Bright School Kits that were scheduled to ship directly to the school have arrived! We ask for some assistance on Friday, September 6 to to help sort the bundled kits by grade so they can be distributed to the correct classroom. Sign up on Konstella to volunteer.

For those who purchased kits to ship to your homes, please sit tight. The BSK warehouse staggers deliveries by school start date, not by purchase date. If you have any questions, please reach out to the BSK customer support directly with your order #:  

Our team is working around the clock to make sure you receive your order. We have team members onsite at our warehouse and others responding to emails & message requests. The BEST way to reach us is by sending us a Facebook DM or with an email to  To expedite the process, please provide us with your order number. You are also welcome to include the name of the school for which the order was placed. We understand that this is extremely frustrating and we deeply apologize. 

For those who missed ordering through Bright School Kits, feel free to purchase supplies on your own. Lists are available here:

Trudy Chan