We ask that all families continue to please check your student’s hair for lice and nits. Community Closet (room 126) stocks lice combs + medicated shampoo kits free of charge.
Put on gloves, if you can.
Get a comb and part the hair in small sections to check.
Check for nits - these are the eggs that cling to the hair shaft. Nits will be white or yellowish-brown.
Check for live lice - they like to crawl on the scalp or on the hair shaft. The lice will be dark in color and the size of a poppyseed.
TREAT with either chemicals (Nix, ivermectin, etc) or smothering substance on dry hair (heavy conditioner, vaseline, mayonnaise, etc).
With a metal lice COMB, thoroughly comb out all nits.
LAUNDER all bedding, linens, hats, etc on hot settings.
ALERT your classroom teacher! Teachers will then inform the main office who will backpack a notice to the entire class. Every family in the classroom should check their students tp stop the spread.
After 7-10 days, COMB and TREAT again - this is key!
Used the right way, treating will kill the lice and some super lice but not all the eggs. To ensure you kill the eggs, you have to comb and physically remove them because you can never know if they are alive or dead —they look the same, dead or alive.
To get professionally inspected for lice:
More information and resources: