ISO: Donations for Fundraising Auction

We would be most grateful for goods, services, experiences, or partnership opportunities of all kinds! Your donation and business will be recognized and promoted on all digital and print materials plus community-wide virtual platforms and social media.  PS 20 PTA is a 501(c)3 [EIN 46-3048383] and all donations are tax-deductible. Your Donations Would Directly Help Support:

  • Green Arts: Unique to PS 20, Green Arts provides our children the opportunity to learn gardening from seed to harvest and how to compost, as well as visual arts instruction through Studio in a School.

  • School Assistants & Teacher Support: We provide funds for School Assistants who offer daily support to all teachers, parents and students. We also use funds to provide classroom supplies and materials as well as staff & teacher appreciation activities. 

  • JEDI: Our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Fund supports students who may otherwise be unable to participate in school activities as well as funds diversity programs.

  • School and Community Activities and Support: The PTA funds Oktoberfest, Movie Nights, cultural events like Carnaval, free English classes and other assistance for international and migrant families new to our community. 

  • Supplies: The PTA buys cleaning supplies for teachers and staff, as well as helps to fund essential items such as risers, dance floors, copy machines, and more.

Trudy Chan
Let's talk about: Head Lice

We ask that all families continue to please check your student’s hair for lice and nits. Community Closet (room 126) stocks lice combs + medicated shampoo kits free of charge.


  1. Put on gloves, if you can.

  2. Get a comb and part the hair in small sections to check.

  3. Check for nits - these are the eggs that cling to the hair shaft. Nits will be white or yellowish-brown.

  4. Check for live lice - they like to crawl on the scalp or on the hair shaft. The lice will be dark in color and the size of a poppyseed.


  1. TREAT with either chemicals (Nix, ivermectin, etc) or smothering substance on dry hair (heavy conditioner, vaseline, mayonnaise, etc).

  2. With a metal lice COMB, thoroughly comb out all nits.

  3. LAUNDER all bedding, linens, hats, etc on hot settings.

  4. ALERT your classroom teacher! Teachers will then inform the main office who will backpack a notice to the entire class. Every family in the classroom should check their students tp stop the spread.

  5. After 7-10 days, COMB and TREAT again - this is key!

    • Used the right way, treating will kill the lice and some super lice but not all the eggs. To ensure you kill the eggs, you have to comb and physically remove them because you can never know if they are alive or dead —they look the same, dead or alive.

Verywell / Jessica Olah

Trudy Chan
Brazilian Carnaval Celebration - Thu Jan 23

PTA International & Multicultural Families Committee is proud to host another Brazilian Carnaval Celebration on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 3:00 PM.

The festival featured an incredible workshop on samba, afoxé, and capoeira led by Quenia Ribeiro of Grupo Ribeiro Productions. Quenia is well-known figure in the Brazilian community here in Brooklyn. Many thanks to wonderful Brazilian steakhouse, Fogo de Chão (located at CityPoint) for donating delicious pão de queijo. Students also enjoyed healthy & yummy acai smoothies made by PS20 parent and committee chair Ana Lourdes.

Trudy Chan
English Classes for Parents

The PTA is happy to announce that we'll be expanding our free English classes for parents and caregivers, so we are welcoming new participants for 2025! Classes are every Wednesday and Friday morning from 8:30am - 10:00am. Session begins Wednesday, January 8 and ends June 25, 2025. 

--> For more information, please contact  <----

La PTA se complace en anunciar que ampliaremos nuestras clases de inglés gratuitas para padres y cuidadores, ¡por lo que daremos la bienvenida a nuevos participantes en 2025! m. a 10:00 a. m.
La sesión comienza el miércoles 8 de enero y termina el 25 de junio de 2025.

يسر رابطة أولياء الأمور والمعلمين أن تعلن عن توسيع نطاق دروس اللغة الإنجليزية المجانية للآباء ومقدمي الرعاية، لذا فنحن نرحب بالمشاركين الجدد في عام 2025!

تقام الدروس كل أربعاء وجمعة صباحًا من الساعة 8:30 صباحًا حتى الساعة 10:00 صباحًا.
تبدأ الدورة يوم الأربعاء 8 يناير وتنتهي في 25 يونيو 2025.

La PTA est heureuse d'annoncer que nous allons étendre nos cours d'anglais gratuits pour les parents et les tuteurs, nous accueillons donc de nouveaux participants en 2025 !

Les cours ont lieu tous les mercredis et vendredis matins de 8h30 à 10h00.
La session commence le mercredi 8 janvier et se termine le 25 juin 2025.

PTA 很高兴地宣布,我们将扩大面向家长和监护人的免费英语课程,因此我们将在 2025 年欢迎新参与者!

课程时间为每周三和周五上午 8:30 至 10:00。
课程于 2025 年 1 月 8 日星期三开始,6 月 25 日结束。

Trudy Chan
Survey for Afterschool Activities


We'll use your input to refine and expand the programs offered right here at the school, meanwhile connecting families with similar interests and organizing groups to explore various classes and activities in the neighborhood. Your feedback is invaluable in creating better opportunities for your family & enrich the experiences of our students.

Trudy Chan
Donate to the PTA Holiday Gifting Pool for PS20 Teachers & Staff

In the spirit of togetherness, the PTA Board and Class Leads are piloting a collective gift process this year, where families have the option of contributing towards a pooled monetary gift for all the teachers and staff of PS20. Gift all the teachers and staff at PS20 this holiday season quickly and easily.  Give online at by Monday, December 16.

قم بإهداء جميع المعلمين والموظفين في PS20 في موسم العطلات هذا بسرعة وسهولة. قم بالتبرع عبر الإنترنت على
برجاء تقديم تبرعاتكم بحلول يوم الاثنين 16 ديسمبر.

Offrez un cadeau à tous les enseignants et au personnel de PS20 pendant cette période de fêtes, rapidement et facilement. Faites un don en ligne à
Merci de faire vos dons avant le lundi 16 décembre.

Regale regalos a todos los maestros y al personal de PS20 esta temporada navideña de manera rápida y sencilla. Done en línea en
Por favor proporcione sus donaciones antes del lunes 16 de diciembre.

这个节日期间,快速轻松地为 PS20 的所有老师和工作人员送上礼物。在线捐赠
请在 12 月 16 日星期一之前提供捐款。

Trudy Chan