Reminder: Early Dismissal on Thu Nov 3

Just a friendly reminder that on Thursday, November 3rd the students will dismiss early for Student Led Conferences. The 3k and Pre-K classes will dismiss at 11:30am, Students in grades K-5 will dismiss at 11:40am.

If your child attends an outside afterschool program, please remind them of the early dismissal.

Ingersoll/ University Settlement will not be picking up students for afterschool on November 3rd. Please make the necessary arrangements for your child to be picked up on time.

Trudy Chan
Chuck E Cheese Family Night - Nov 4

Join us at Chuck E Cheese for pizza, games, rides, and FUN! Chuck E Cheese will donate to PS20 20% of sales if you mention PS20 at the register. And don't forget to use the coupons attached in Konstella!

Friday, November 4 from 3-9 PM
@ 139 Flatbush Avenue (in the Atlantic Terminal Mall)

Trudy Chan
PTA General Meeting on Oct 20

Please join us for the second PTA General Meeting of the year on Thursday, October 20 at 6:00pm via Zoom (link on Konstella). Currently seeking candidates for School Leadership Team (SLT) + PTA Board Recording Secretary + Parent Outreach Coordinator! These positions will be voted on during this meeting.

As always, our inbox is open for agenda items, questions and suggestions:

Trudy Chan
Reminder: No School on Wed Oct 5 + Mon Oct 10

Remember there is no school on Wednesday, October 5 in observance of Yom Kippur. Students return on Thursday, October 6.

Also, there is no school on Monday, October 10 in observance of Indigenous People / Italian Heritage Day. Enjoy the 3-day weekend and students return on Tuesday, October 11.

Trudy Chan
Reminder: No School on Mon 26 + Tue 27

Remember there is no school on Monday, September 26 and Tuesday, September 27 in observance of Rosh Hashanah. Students return on Wednesday, September 28.

Tell us: How will you be spending the 4-day weekend? Have any great camps to recommend?

L'Shana Tovah to those who celebrate!

Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter for real-time updates and more!

Trudy Chan